Party Center Blog

4 Online Booking Tips to Impress & Convert Potential Customers

Written by Rebecca Twomey | Jun 8, 2021 1:15 PM

Are you a FEC owner or operator looking for some online booking tips? Well, you came to the right place!

At Party Center Software, we believe that your online booking process should impress your customers. Step by step, add-on and up-sell, your guest should be able to access the information they need and book a party seamlessly.

Use the online booking tips in this article to create an experience that leads to more party bookings and more revenue.

4 Online Booking Tips to Impress & Convert Potential Customers

The booking process should be like a well-executed waltz.

So don’t make potential guests work for it! No one wants to have to click around a website to find what they’re looking for. Having clear calls-to-action (or booking links) will help make online booking easy for potential guests.

Review the 4 online booking tips below to ensure you provide your customers with a smooth booking experience. 

Tip #1: Online Booking Theme

Theming is important. What if you only have a reservation form that looks like a blank piece of paper or a fill-in-the-blank form? Will that really show your guest how much fun your space is?

Unfortunately it won’t, and you will lose many potential customers who will simply click away and look elsewhere. Buyers are more likely to book events when there is an easy and clear way to do so. 

Although 2020 was a unique year, the data continues to show an increase in the number of parties booked online versus over the phone.

Remember, the goal of your online booking process is to turn your “lookie-Lous”  into booked events.

So, having a beautifully themed booking site that matches your website will turn those unsure prospects into booked parties! Matching images, font style, and colors are a few easy ways to custom-build the look of your online booking module.

What you are aiming for should be a cohesive look from the “book now” button on your website to the booking app. Your guest will feel like they are more than just a transaction

Tip #2: Be Upfront About Your Offerings and Packages

Do your package offerings have pricing that is explained clearly? You might have a per-person cost or a flat fee per package. Or perhaps, an extra guest fee?

These are important things to add to your online booking site. If your potential customer is in the process of booking a party and they get to your deposit page only to find that the price is out of their budget, you’ve just lost a reservation. Having an abandoned cart shows a clear frustration in the process and that something was misunderstood about your offerings.

One of the most important online booking tips is to not jam a ton of info that your guest might not catch into one area. If you have too many things offered in a single package, your guest will end up confused. This is a huge turn-off and could lead to them clicking away from your site.

Remember, cost equals value. Rather than packing too much information into one area, consider what belongs and what could be a potential add-on later.

Your offerings and packages are also a great place to include photos of your party rooms and allow your guests to imagine what their party would look like at your facility. Mothers are more interested in cleanliness and the experience you'll provide for their children than anything else! Allow your photos to tell a story about what their event will look like.

And don’t forget to share lots of photos of your party rooms, packages, and party variations on your social media accounts!


Tip #3: Add-Ons

When it comes to online booking tips, shifting your focus to add-ons is a huge opportunity that can increase your potential revenue.

Start by making sure that you have clear, professional pictures and a description for each and every add-on item. These images will help you up-sell your packages.

You can offer specialty trays for adults that are accompanying the kids. This will go a long way with parents who are watching their kiddos devour the slice of pizza that came with their party. 

What about rotating out items from your redemption store like princess tiaras, goody bags, more game tokens or arcade cards, and balloons?  

Small things can go a long way. Additionally, adding themed items with your logo like water bottles, t-shirts, or take-home toys, can help you earn extra revenue while continuing to promote your business later!

Tip #4: Be Clear, Concise, and Upfront. Then, Follow Up!

Transparency is important. Make sure you add your policies and procedures for guests to your online booking process.

These guidelines should be clear and concise. Your explanations should detail your policies for all event bookings and anything specific that your guests need to know.

If you have a policy about arrival times prior to an event, or your approach to piñatas or the use of confetti, be clear and straightforward about it.

If you allow ice cream cake: great! Let them know you will take the steps necessary to make sure it will be in the refrigerator and not the freezer so it will be perfect for slicing when the time comes.

Small things might go unnoticed if you don't share. So consider all aspects of the process!

You’ll also want to list any expectations you have for guest conduct or behavior in your policies. If your guests can see your policies, it might help with your conversions and eliminate the uncertainty. 

Be sure to create and add a clear refund policy. You may want to consider creating a non-refundable deposit policy. You may also want to consider creating a flexible policy, such as allowing the customer to move their party to a different date instead. Or, you may want to ensure you have the right to keep part of the deposit if the customer cancels their party within just a few days of the event.

Regardless of your policy, make sure that the terms are available for customers to read on your online booking site.

Lastly, follow up. Just because an event was booked online and no staff was needed to reserve, doesn’t mean you should skip an opportunity to provide a personal touch!

You should always call and confirm any party booked online. Your guest will be elated to know that their booking was received, that you’re prepared for them, and that you are looking forward to their arrival. Plus, this is one more opportunity to offer any up-sell items that they might’ve missed, skipped, or not considered.

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Online booking is an opportunity to enhance your guest experience. That’s why in our newest resource, you’ll find three key tools that’ll help you drive traffic to your online booking page.