Shooting a video of your family entertainment center doesn't have to be complicated. You don't need to be the next Tarantino or Scorsese, nor do you need expensive gear. All you really need is an idea, a phone, and some basic training in shot composition.
I know you don't believe me. That's why we decided to visit one of our customers, Urban Air Knoxville, and make a video to show you exactly how to shoot your FEC using a phone.
How to Shoot a Video of Your FEC Using Your Phone
Check out our video and let us know what you think in the comments below!
Here's the transcript:
Did you know that in 2018, according to research from, 93% of businesses reported getting a new customer on social media thanks to video?
The numbers don’t lie. Video is king. And the majority of your customers want to see more videos of your facility.
The good news is that you can shoot a great video with just your phone.
Today we’re at Urban Air Knoxville, an indoor adventure park, and we’re going to show you how you can use your phone to shoot an amazing video of your facility. And by the way, we’re shooting this entire video with a phone, too!
Let’s get into it.
First, decide where to shoot.
The key here is to choose a place where there’s some action! Videos that do well on social are those with people having fun, smiling faces, and families enjoying your facility. You want to make your audience see themselves there, feel as if they’re having fun just watching others enjoy your attractions, even if they’ve never set foot through the door.
Next, prepare your device.
Make sure your camera lens is clean. It might sound silly, but this makes a huge difference! Also make sure there’s enough storage space on your phone ahead of time.
Be aware of lighting, because this can make or break your video. Natural lighting is the best, but if you don’t have access to it, just make sure the area you’re filming is well lit. You could also purchase some basic lighting gear on Amazon if you'd like to step it up a notch.
And, unless you’re filming for an Instagram story, please don’t shoot vertically! Shoot horizontal videos. Computer monitors, televisions, even websites, all have landscape-oriented displays.
Third, compose your shot.
A good tool to keep in mind here is the rule of thirds, a type of composition in which an image is divided evenly into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and the subject of the image is placed at the intersection of those dividing lines, or along one of the lines itself. It makes the shot look more interesting.
If you’re following someone or framing a subject, remember to give them some nose or head room! This basically means that you avoid boxing someone in the frame.
Get creative with your shots. Experiment with some close ups, wide shots, medium shots. If you choose to edit these together, it could make for a very interesting video!
And there you have it! Some basic tips on how to film a video of your facility.
Equipped with this knowledge, you can get even more creative by creating video spotlights on each of your employees, filming behind the scenes of how your facility prepares for parties or the menu for the day, and more.
If you do choose to get some equipment, there are plenty of options. Consider getting a tripod for your phone that’ll allow you to prop up your phone in hard to reach areas, or a stabilizer, that’ll help you stabilize the shot. Definitely consider lighting gear wherever natural light isn’t available. Lastly, consider getting lavalier mics if you want to grab audio of guest testimonials, or of any other interviews, on video.
We hope our tips were helpful to you! If you learned something new, let us know down below in the comment section. We’d love to see your facility videos, so be sure to share them on social, tag us, or use the hashtag #partywithPCS.
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