Want to know how to use Instagram to book more parties?
In the following "Business Tips by PCS" series video, we share some tips on how to set up your business Instagram to attract more guests!
Using Instagram to Book More Parties: Business Tips by PCS
Need some tips on how to set up your business profile on Instagram? Check out our latest video below!
Our Business Tips series is all about sharing practical ideas and actions you can take to grow your business!
Here are some of the tips we share in this video:
Whether you’re creating a brand new Instagram account or you already have an account, the same rules apply: it’s all about optimizing your account with parties in mind.
Let’s talk about some best practices on how to set up your company Instagram account to maximize party bookings.
First, hit “Edit Profile.”
This is pretty simple, but it’s worth saying: list your business name exactly the same as the name on your front door (or on the sign out front!).
You want to be easily recognizable by your future and current guests, so take the guesswork out of it for them!
Your Username or Handle
Now it’s time to choose your username, also known as your Instagram handle. Does it match identically or closely with your actual business name?
If you own or operate multiple locations, your naming convention is going to be very important. Instagram currently allows 30 characters for usernames, so this is something you’ll want to consider if you have more than one location and your business name is fairly long.
For example, if your facility is called Adam’s Adventures & Ninja Warrior Course, you’re going to run into some character limit issues--especially if you have more than one location!
Consider abbreviating your name, or just using the first part of your business name.
Website Link
This is a HUGE opportunity for you to tell your story! While this link will show underneath your bio, it appears first in “Edit Profile.”
First, let’s talk about the best URL option for this area. Most might automatically shoot for their website’s home page. After all, we want them to get a feel for your facility, right? Sure. But what might you miss by making this choice?
For one, most folks tend to click away or “bounce” from a web page relatively quickly. And if they're clicking through Instagram, they’ll click away even faster if they aren’t led to exactly what they were looking for. Instagram is all about leading customers to where they want to go. For example, if an ad for an adorable baby outfit popped up and I clicked the link and it went to the main page of that company’s website, they just missed an opportunity. If that particular outfit isn’t on the homepage or is difficult to find, chances are I’ll close that window and never return again.
Make it easy for your customers to book parties by linking them directly to your parties and events page or booking calendar. This will increase your chances that they’ll book a party with you!
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After facing a series of difficult obstacles throughout 2020, 2021 emerged as the year of meaningful recovery for many facilities.
Our data shows that because of the hard work and resilience FEC owners, operators, and staff exhibited, we’re either not far from or have already exceeded pre-pandemic numbers in many cases.
In the following annual booking study, we include information on tools that have helped business owners thrive, new revenue data, and so much more.